Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hey Everyone!
This week I have to give a shout out to my family! In class this week we have been discussing the importance of a stable family. Each member of the family plays a distinct role. Each tradition role is vital to a happy and healthy home life. Thinking back on my childhood, I recognize what role each member in my family played. Understanding this dynamic has made me think of different ways to better connect my family. My ideas are still in the beginning phases so don't ask me about them yet :)

Along with fulfilling healthy roles, something else that has stuck with me this week is the importance of research. Vital information can be skewed or misrepresented. Half truths and miscommunication or misrepresented info is advertised as the undeniable truth. We need to take charge of our data intake! Looking into the reliability of the research is a crucial step in understanding information brought to us. Taking the research findings at face value can be detrimental. We give up our own voice by not taking initiative. Current explorations of the family are worth too much to just believe. Digging into these studies will provide the opportunity to draw our families closer together. Insights will enable family members to have more tools to use at their disposals. Families are worth the extra time it takes to fact check.

Above all, the most significant research I found this week includes the fact that children raised in traditional families have more stability. We are all human and we all make mistakes. There is no such thing as a perfect parent and I am absolutely positive there is no such thing as a perfect child. Regardless of these imperfections, human relationships are one of the most amazing phenomenons I can think of! Truly it is miraculous. These relationships, especially the ones we share with our family members, have the potential to be the most miraculous of all. This gives us the responsibility to give it our all. Practicing traditional family values and roles along with checking research we find, will give us the power to create a lasting and profound bond. Don't the people we love the most deserve our all?

Liz S.

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